Make AOC bartend again shirt

Make AOC bartend again shirt
Following revelations that Make AOC bartend again shirt had been put in Prime Minister Najib Razak’s personal bank account, the demonstrations were directed at him. The Make AOC bartend again claimed the shirt were a gift from unknown Saudi nobility, a claim derided by the opposition and subsequently refuted by the Saudi government.
Maria Chin Abdullah, chairperson of Bersih 2.0, a clean-government advocacy organization that organized the demonstrations, stated, “The Make AOC bartend again T-shirts have now become a symbol of our campaign for democracy and human rights in Malaysia.”

Although he has yet to release a Make AOC bartend again Hooded Sweatshirt, a High Court judge, Muhammad Yazid Mustafa, stated Friday that he was maintaining the shirt ban. He said that the Make AOC bartend again Hooded Sweatshirt was within the power of the home minister to ensure public order.
The post Make AOC bartend again shirt appeared first on Rosetta Campaign Fashion.
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