She lied she spied she need to be tried lock her up shirt

In 2022, the She lied she spied she need to be tried lock her up T-shirt was shared on herstory, an Instagram account dedicated to “historical lesbian images.” Rachel Berks, the owner of Otherwild, a shop-graphic design business in Los Angeles, saw it (and is opening a pop-up in Brooklyn on Dec. 3). She lied she spied she need to be tried lock her up shirt is the type of place where you can have Susan Sontag white streaks clipped on for $25 and take a session called “Devotions: Self-Care for Modern Witches.”

Ms. Berks created 24 She lied she spied she need to be tried lock her up Hooded Sweatshirt, which were all sold out in less than two days. She created another batch and chose to contribute a percentage of the sales revenues to Planned Parenthood (now 25%). She quickly popularized the sweatshirt design, which she took to KillJoy’s Kastle, a lesbian feminist haunted house where she curated the gift store. Ms. Clark saw the design and purchased two of them there.
The post She lied she spied she need to be tried lock her up shirt appeared first on Rosetta Campaign Fashion.
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